
13. To drain the fat from hamburger while it is cooking in the microwave oven (one pound cooks in 5 minutes on high), cook it in a plastic colander placed inside a casserole dish.


14. Treat fresh meat cuts for 15 to 20 seconds on high in the microwave oven. This cuts down on meat-spoiling types bacteria.


15. Do not salt foods on the surface as it causes dehydration (meats and vegetables) and toughens the food. Salt the meat after you remove it from the oven unless the recipe calls for using salt in the mixture.


16. Toast coconut in the microwave. Watch closely as it browns quickly once it begins to brown. Spread 1/2 cup coconut in a pie plate and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds after 2 minutes.


17. Place a cake dish up on another dish or on a roasting rack if you have difficulty getting the bottom of the cake done. This also works for potatoes and other foods that don't quite get done on the bottom.




PAN COATER: combine 1 cup Crisco and 1/3 cup flour. Mix and store on shelf.


GLAZE FOR SEALING CRUMBS: Mix powdered sugar and water to the

consistancy of EImers Glue.  Paint over cake. Let dry and then ice as usual.




1/2 cup sudsy ammonia

1 pint rubbing alcohol

1 cap full liquid dishwashing detergent

enough water to make a gallon


